  • Politics

The emergency plan for policy on Europe

04.11.2015 – Jürg Müller

The popular initiative “out of the cul-de-sac” is to be put to the vote. It is intended as “a kind of insurance policy” if the initiative on mass immigration cannot be implemented in a way that is compatible with Europe.

Few people believed it would succeed. However, in mid August, around nine months before the collection deadline expired, those behind the “out of the cul-de-sac” proposal announced that they had achieved the goal of collecting 100,000 signatures. This is significant because the popular initiative demands the rescission of the yes vote on the Swiss People’s Party’s (SVP) initiative on mass immigration of 9 February 2014 or, in other words, the deletion of the applicable article in the federal constitution that aims to allow Switzerland to manage immigration independently through quotas and maximum figures. Such a popular initiative has never been put forward before.

The emergence of the “out of the cul-de-sac” initiative has significantly enriched the debate over Swiss policy on immigration and Europe. Those behind it are promising nothing less than a way “out of the cul-de-sac”. At the same time, they are also adopting a flexible approach. They did not rule out the withdrawal of the initiative even during the collection of signatures. They refer to the proposal as “a kind of insurance policy” or “plan B”: “If the Federal Council and Parliament succeed in putting forward a better solution and implement the initiative on mass immigration without jeopardising the bilateral agreements, we will withdraw our initiative,” says Thomas Geiser, one of the key figures behind the proposal. Geiser is a professor of private and commercial law at the University of St. Gallen.

Such a solution does not seem likely at present. The EU does not appear to be willing to relax the principle of the free movement of persons for Switzerland. The Federal Council has appointed a chief negotiator in State Secretary Jacques de Watteville (see profile on page 17) and has defined the key tenets of its policy: maintaining the bilateral agreements and the agreement on the free movement of persons but conducting negotiations with the EU on an amendment to the agreement in accordance with the constitutional obligation.

Is the initiative undemocratic?

But what will happen if this approach fails? What if Switzerland is only able to choose between the systematic implementation of the initiative on mass immigration and the bilateral approach? Will the “out of the cul-de-sac” initiative really resolve the issue? Or is it downright undemocratic because it sabotages the will of the people? Political scientist Georg Lutz does not believe so. With a result as tight as that on the initiative on mass immigration it may be entirely reasonable to put the question to the people again in changed circumstances, he remarked on the SRF television channel. Voting several times on the same issue is also nothing new in a direct democracy as this happened with female suffrage and the introduction of proportional representation for the National Council.

The “out of the cul-de-sac” initiative’s chances of success are currently difficult to assess. Thomas Geiser is optimistic: “Collecting the signatures was a very easy task which is an indication of the mood amongst the people.” However, when collecting the signatures the organisers of the initiative focused primarily on French-speaking Switzerland and the urban centres of German-speaking Switzerland where the initiative on mass immigration was rejected by the majority. This is one of the initiative’s weaknesses: a cantonal majority, which is required with popular initiatives, will be difficult to attain. There are no powerful associations or political parties backing the initiative. The initiative committee is almost exclusively supported by 400 individuals, including prominent figures such as the artists Pipilotti Rist, Gardy Hutter and Dimitri, the footballer Andy Egli, former President of the Federal Supreme Court Giusep Nay and professors Georg Kreis (historian) and Andreas Auer (expert in constitutional law). High-profile politicians are conspicuous by their absence.

“Risky undertaking”

However, support for the “out of the cul-de-sac” initiative may grow depending upon how events unfold. Regula Rytz, Co-President of the Greens, has called the proposal an “important safety net” should “all else fail”. SP President Christian Levrat expressed a similar view but nevertheless believes that supporting the initiative is “a suicide mission because the risk of losing the ballot is so great”. National Councillor Christa Markwalder, a Free Democrat representative on foreign policy and a well-known euro advocate, summed up the situation in the “Berner Zeitung”: “I think it’s great that a civil committee has launched such an initiative. But it’s also a risky undertaking. If the Swiss people reject this proposal, we will not have solved the problem but will instead have affirmed it.”

Jürg Müller is an editor with “Swiss Review”



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Comments :

  • user
    Evelyn Degen 07.02.2016 At 05:56
    Die Masseneinwanderungs-Initiative muss zwingend umgehend umgesetzt werden ohne Rücksicht auf die EU. Vor längerer Zeit konnte man es erahnen, dass es massive Flüchtlingsströme aus Syrien und Afrika geben wird. Was hat die EU in Brüssel unternommen? Gar nichts! Die haben sich in Ihren Pfründen gesuhlt und bringen NICHTS zustande! Alle EU-Länder sind überfordert, weil gar nichts vorbereitet wurde. Solchem Dilemma muss die Schweiz zuvorkommen. Die Grenzen müssten leider für eine gewisse Zeit geschlossen werden, um die Registrierung und die Zurückweisung in den Griff zu bekommen. Eine Ausweisung derjenigen, welche sich nicht anpassen können oder wollen, muss unverzüglich vorgenommen werden. Ich lebe seit einigen Jahren in Thailand und finde, dass das Thailändische Immigrationssystem auch in der Schweiz angewendet werden sollte. Diejenigen, die illegal hier sind, werden ohne Umschweife ausgeschafft. Es ist rigoros und für manche hart, aber effizient! In Europa liegt das Ausschaffungsproblem etwas anders. Wohin sollen die Auszuschaffenden denn hin, wenn in ihren Herkunftsländer Krieg und Verfolgung herrscht? Die Probleme in Europa, auch in der Schweiz werden größer und nicht einfacher werden!
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  • user
    spycher peter 15.11.2015 At 15:54
    zu dieser initiative welche besser als "zwängeliinitiative"bezeichnet werden sollte gibt es nur eine antwort
    stimmbürger werde stummbürger

    verweigert den urnengang ,denn wenn wieder "falsch"abgestimmt wird wiederholen die urbanen gutmenschen die übug bis wir es "richtig"machen ,und dies mit dem segen von teilen des parlamentes und einiger abgedankter politikerinnen.
    nein danke ,da mache ich nicht mit, und drum wohne ich ja auch nicht mehr in diesem land ,welches einmal eine wirklich schöne heimat war.
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  • user
    Kurt Stauffer 13.11.2015 At 16:39
    Es scheint dass die Massemeinwanderung in die Schweiz ausser Kontrolle geraten ist.Hauptsächlich was die Muslims anbelangt.Den sie wollen in ein demokratisches Land, weil es dort besser zu Leben ist, als im eigenen Land.Aber sie wollen unsere Gesetze nicht akzeptieren.Kanada und Australien gehen den richtigen Weg,wer sich nicht anpassen will, soll gehen.Es scheint, dass hinter dem Flüchtlingsstrom andere Interessen mitspielen!!!Den Gutmenschen zu spielen ist hier falsch am Platz, besser wäre Vorsicht walten zu lassenDie Zuwanderung von Muslims könnte langfristig eine massive Bedrohung für den inneren Frieden und die Freiheit warden!!
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