FocusGod only knows what will happen to all the surplus churchesFor hundreds of churches in Switzerland the question is whether they should be demolished, sold, rented out or put to a completely different use.…Read moreOur highlightsWhat exactly are they talking about?PoliticsDrought in Europe’s water reservoirKnowledgeThe printed book lives onCulture
The printed word under pressure EditorialExcuse us for first briefly talking about ourselves - the “Swiss Review” that is.Letters to the editorMailbagThe unusual deal regarding taxes and old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI)PoliticsDespite rejected initiatives the debate about agricultural policy is still ongoingPoliticsBoth agricultural initiatives were rejected by voters on the popular vote Sunday of 23 September 2018. However, the topic is by no means off the table…Bern puts pressure on refugees from the Eritrean dictatorship SocietyCurrent book recommendations from SwitzerlandBooksThe “Swiss Review” asked two experts to give their tips for new books by Swiss authors. The recommendations for the German-speaking part of…Lukas Hartmann | “The desire to break down boundaries”Literature seriesNew guide explains key issues of social security law to those working abroadSwissCommunityPeople are becoming more mobile, business work increasingly so. Thus an overview of key insurance law issues is increasingly important.University or apprenticeship?SwissCommunityAdvice from educationsuisse on education in SwitzerlandSignatures from 137 countries for OSA’s e-voting petitionSwissCommunityE-voting must be made available to all Swiss Abroad by 2021. The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) submitted this demand to the Federal…Emotional moments in the second home country – Scenes from the summer camps for children and young peopleSwissCommunityVotes and ElectionsNotes from the Federal PalaceFederal elections 2019: The official election portal is onlineNotes from the Federal is the link to the official election platform for the federal elections of 2019. The website will be updated regularly with…New: Customs clearance via smartphoneNotes from the Federal PalaceAroma of spices woos Swiss lawyer out of his officeSwissinfoThe alternative realityImagesAndré Holenstein, Patrick Kury, Kristina Schulz | Immigration and emigration in SwitzerlandBooks“It’s profitable, and that’s a privilege”SoundsNewsNewsThe “Swiss Review” online instead of printedSwissCommunity