FocusThe “Swiss franc shock” has a far-reaching impactIt is over a year since the Swiss National Bank abandoned the minimum rate against the euro. This has cost over 10,000 jobs to date and has halved…Read moreOur highlights“The National Bank faced with twin pressures”FocusAttack on “free lawyers”PoliticsContemporary art from TicinoImages
A storm in a teacup?EditorialDear readers, I became the new editor-in-chief of “Swiss Review” in Berne last November. As this is my first editorial piece, I would like to extend…Letters to the editorMailbagA bonanza for everyone?PoliticsMoney from the state for everyone unconditionally – that is the aim of the popular initiative for an unconditional basic income which will be put to…Public service, petrol as a milch cow and test tube babiesPoliticsThree very different proposals will also be put to the vote on 5 June. Major shake-up at the topPoliticsThree of the four parties represented on the Federal Council will be led by new presidents from April. Toni Brunner’s departure was a real…Surprisingly clear rejection of implementing initiativePoliticsAlmost 60 % of voters rejected the SVP’s implementing initiative following an unprecedented campaign. The law on foreign nationals will nevertheless…Second Gotthard tunnel on the way, “marriage penalty” retainedPoliticsThere were no surprises amongst the other referenda on 28 February. The result of the vote on the marriage penalty was nevertheless tight.Geneva at odds with its alternative culture CultureNurturing talented young players is a cornerstone of FCB’s successSportJean-Luc Benoziglio | A native of the canton of Valais with an Italo-Turkish backgroundLiterature series100th anniversary of the OSASwissCommunityThe Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2016. Taking the title ’Switzerland in the World’, the anniversary…94th Congress of the Swiss Abroad from 5 to 7 August 2016 in BerneSwissCommunityWe hope you are able to attend.What does educationsuisse – Education in Switzerland offer young Swiss Abroad?SwissCommunityElection of the Council of the Swiss Abroad – Recommendations SwissCommunityThe Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) will be re-elected in 2017. At its meeting in August 2015, the CSA adopted a number of recommendations for the…Votes and ElectionsNotes from the Federal PalaceTherese Bichsel | The agonising question – stay or go?BooksOn a journey of discovery through the StatesSoundsEchoEchoPierre GraberEchoQuotesQuotes