FocusThe wolf is here to stayThe first wolves wandered back into Switzerland 25 years ago. Around 80 wolves now roam the Swiss Alps and Jura mountains, and their numbers are…Read moreOur Highlights“Wolves need to know that humans aren’t always harmless”Focus“E-voting and e-banking are not the same thing” PoliticsVoting rights for the Swiss Abroad – “Switzerland is already at the limit of what it can offer” Politics
How does the story with the wolf go?Editorial“My, what a big mouth you have, grandmother.” “All the better to eat you with!” The wolf dressed as the grandmother had scarcely finished speaking…Cartas al directorMailbagShowdown over the bilateral agreements PoliticsOverview of all the votes on 17 May PoliticsResults of the votes on 9 February PoliticsSommaruga finds her callingPoliticsLeysin: 57.7% international residents, but the village remains sheltered from the world News featureKurt Mettler | A keen observer of late-1920s America Literature seriesFewer schoolchildren understand what they read SocietyLots of plastic and loads of money Swiss statisticsNew Year’s camp – a wonderful time was had by all SwissCommunityWhat challenges does our democracy face? SwissCommunityInterested in education or training in Switzerland? SwissCommunityDoes my child automatically become a Swiss citizen?SwissCommunityVotes and ElectionsNotes from the Federal PalaceThe Federal Council determines voting proposals at least four months before the voting date. Everything you need to know about voting proposals…International Information Days provide valuable advice on pensionsNotes from the Federal PalaceIf you live abroad and work or have worked in Switzerland, you can attend International Information Days in a number of EU countries to obtain free…From car-friendly to pedestrian-friendly ImagesBlues from ThunSoundsSibylle Berg | Is this life?BooksSibylle BergTop pickClimate activists celebrate “historic” judgementNewsJanuary saw the acquittal of 12 climate activists at Renens district court (canton of Vaud). The activists stormed a Lausanne branch of banking giant…