FocusThe lights of Switzerland awaken the friends of the nightSwitzerland is getting brighter. Artificial lights are chasing away the dark, even in the most remote corners of the country. But one particularly…Read moreOur highlightsNuclear power: voters to decide whether to pull the plugPolitics“We Swiss are probably not born eccentrics”CultureA place of symbolism, a place of unitySociety
When the sky is lost to usEditorialI can vividly recall the most star-lit sky of my life.Letters to the editorMailbagArtificial light is leading to a 24-hour societyFocusWe are making less and less use of true daylight as we expose ourselves to more and more artificial light. This is altering human biology, says…What impact will “Brexit” have on Switzerland?EconomyInternational Geneva resists competition from rivalsPoliticsSwitzerland contributes to the renovation of the buildings of international organisations PoliticsThe new power constellation in the federal parliamentPoliticsJürg Federspiel | New York as the city of love and death Literature seriesOSA adviceSwissCommunityI am a Swiss citizen abroad living in a country outside the EU/EFTA. What are my rights in terms of unemployment insurance if I return to Switzerland?The Swiss schools abroadSwissCommunityThe 17 Swiss schools abroad officially recognised by the Swiss Confederation are spread across nine countries on three continents. In all, around…The Youth Service’s winter offersSwissCommunityDiscover SwitzerlandFYSA centenary competitionSwissCommunityDesign a postcard to mark 100 years of the FYSA for a chance to win a free place at a camp in the summer of 2017.Winter camp for children aged 8 to 14 SwissCommunityAll issues of “Swiss Review” are available in digital form!SwissCommunitySwitch to the digital version of “Swiss Review” today.OSA centenary: major celebration in BerneSwissCommunityElectronic voting for the diasporaSwissCommunity100 Faces – Portraits of Swiss living abroadNotes from the Federal PalaceVotes and ElectionsNotes from the Federal PalaceCH Info: The Brochure AppNotes from the Federal PalaceThe dawn of online consular services: the FDFA opens its virtual consulateNotes from the Federal PalaceBy 2020, half of the people on our planet will be connected to the Internet and almost 90 % of data traffic will flow through mobile devices. Service…Large-scale music machinesImagesPeter Schärli’s liberated jazz SoundsAlberto Nessi | Partisans and other storiesBooksAlberto Nessi’s “Miló” collection of stories, published in 2014, is finally available in German. The protagonists of these 18 stories live on the…EchoEchoClaude LongchampTop pick