FocusImmigration policy – a never-ending storyParliament approved a loose implementation of the mass immigration initiative last December. Yet the issue is far from resolved.Read moreOur highlightsSwiss minorities come closer to realising their dreamsSocietyThe crux of SwissnessEconomyProfessional drones take off in SwitzerlandKnowledge
Mass immigration – a muddled situationEditorialE-ReviewMailbagLetters to the editorMailbagTax policy deep in the mirePoliticsThree proposals were put to the vote on 12 February. The rejection of Corporate Tax Reform III puts Switzerland in an awkward position. Simplified…The Swiss energy system – major upheaval to comePoliticsDaniel de Roulet | An entire world implodes in the mind of the marathon runnerLiterature seriesToo quick for SwitzerlandCultureA new star in Swiss wrestlingSportOSA adviceSwissCommunityIf I remain in Switzerland for a period of time for administrative purposes after cancelling my registration here, how can I continue to receive…Summer offers of the OSA’s Youth ServiceSwissCommunityA summer programme rich in variety awaits you!OSA survey for banks: What are the terms and conditions for Swiss Abroad?SwissCommunityThe Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) has conducted a new survey among Swiss banking institutions. The results have now been published.Centenary celebrations of the Foundation for Young Swiss Abroad (FYSA): Summer camps for children aged 8 to 14SwissCommunityThe anniversary summer of the Foundation for Young Swiss Abroad will take place from the end of June to the end of August 2017. Swiss children abroad…University courses in Switzerland SwissCommunityYoung Swiss Abroad also have the opportunity to enrol on university courses in Switzerland. However, several things must be checked beforehand.Stronger growth in the Swiss community abroad Notes from the Federal Palace90 years of statistics on the Swiss AbroadNotes from the Federal PalaceVotes and ElectionsNotes from the Federal PalaceThe 2017 Federal Council photographNotes from the Federal PalaceThe lost son from ChurImagesNear and far – with home somewhere in-betweenSoundsElisa Shua Dusapin | Winter in South KoreaBooksEchoEchoBernhard Russi & Matthias HüppiTop pick