FocusCoronavirus in Switzerland – a story of discipline and of how much worse it could have beenSome 2,000* people in Switzerland have died of COVID-19 – an undeniably heavy price. Tens of thousands have lost their jobs and futures. Hundreds of…Read moreOur highlightsThe high-risk groupFocus“Help is on its way” – Switzerland’s multibillion bailoutFocusThe Swiss experience a new way of life FocusEquality of opportunity compromisedFocus“Go on holiday in Switzerland”FocusWhen satire suddenly toed the lineFocus
A firm handshakeEditorialImagine a cattle market somewhere in rural Switzerland. A farmer is offering well-groomed calves and goats for sale. A potential buyer turns up. The…MailbagMailbagThe Swiss-Spanish wordsmithLiterature seriesVoting ‘super Sunday’ in SeptemberPoliticsFollowing the cancellation of the federal votes that were scheduled for May, as many as five proposals – including the SVP’s limitation initiative –…New fighter jets for SwitzerlandPoliticsMany new dads want more days offPoliticsRay of hope for the Yenish, Sinti and RomaSociety“Parliament of the Fifth Switzerland” affected by the COVID-19 pandemicSwissCommunityThe Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) has endorsed the idea of setting up a memorial to Swiss holocaust victims. It has also reiterated its call for…Congress in Lugano postponed until 2021SwissCommunityPostal delivery of “Swiss Review” severely hamperedSwissCommunityThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on postal services, resulting in severe restrictions on mail deliveries between Switzerland and many other…Votes and ElectionsNotes from the Federal PalaceOn 18 March 2020, the Federal Council decided to postpone the federal popular vote scheduled for 17 May 2020. The COVID-19 epidemic and associated…The “Fifth Switzerland” continues to growNotes from the Federal PalaceThe biggest repatriation operation in Swiss historyNotes from the Federal PalaceCelebrating 1 August differently togetherNotes from the Federal PalaceOld-school hip-hopSoundsHunkeler in the wildBooksDaniel KochTop pickWho left the gold in the train?NewsWere you in Switzerland in October 2019 by any chance? If so, did you accidentally leave a package full of gold bars on a train travelling between St.…