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  • SwissCommunity

Exporting Swiss culture


Culture will be the main theme of this year’s Congress of the Swiss Abroad, which takes place from 18 to 20 August in St Gallen. The event will be an opportunity for Swiss Abroad to engage with federal parliamentarians.

This 2023 Congress of the Swiss Abroad promises to cover a whole range of pressing issues. Participants will talk politics on the morning of 19 August, focusing specifically on the federal elections in the autumn and the question of e-voting. Representatives of the St Gallen cantonal government and Switzerland’s biggest political parties will attend. They will provide an update on progress and developments in policy areas relevant to the “Fifth Switzerland”. Guests will include the National Council President, federal parliamentarians, and figures from Swiss cultural life.

Swiss culture and its role beyond our borders will be the hot topic after lunch on the same day. The starting premise is that Swiss culture extends beyond Switzerland and deserves to be nurtured and enhanced both inside and outside our country. International cultural dialogue has a major influence on shaping our identity, on the way that Switzerland is viewed abroad, on the economy, and on technological progress.

The Congress will look at how Swiss cultural exports can help to build bridges with other countries and consolidate Switzerland’s international image. It will cover important questions, including whether culture is an export commodity like any other product, and what the costs and benefits are.

The Congress will be a unique opportunity for participants to learn more about these interesting issues, consider the political and cultural challenges of our time, meet experts and key stakeholders, and share valuable ideas and insights.

Register now

Attend this year’s Congress for a new, meaningful take on Swiss culture and the cultural role of the “Fifth Switzerland”. To view the full schedule and sign up for the event, visit:

Join the conversation

Before the Congress begins, you can discuss e-voting and this year’s federal elections by joining the online conversation with other Swiss Abroad:



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