OASI/DI within the EU/EFTA
Anyone who emigrates permanently or works in an EU or EFTA Member State is subject to social insurance in the country of employment or residence.
The Agreement on the free movement of persons envisages coordination of the various social insurance systems.
There is compulsory or voluntary insurance for sickness and maternity, old age, disability, death (survivors’ benefits) in all EU and EFTA member states.
It is therefore no longer possible to hold OASI/DI insurance while resident within the EU/EFTA.
Special provision for Croatia
Those insured with the OASI/DI on a voluntary basis and who are residents of Croatia may remain insured until 31 December 2022 only. Those who were 50 years old before 1 June 2017, may remain insured until they reach legal retirement age. New members are no longer admitted.
However, persons who have made insurance contributions in one or more EU/EFTA member states are entitled to a proportional pension from the member states in question. The requirement is proof of a minimum insurance period of one year in the respective country. Your contributions remain with the insurers in the individual countries until you reach the respective retirement age in those countries.
Exceptions to the compulsory OASI/DI with residence abroad
There are some exceptions in which continued insurance under the compulsory OASI/DI scheme is possible if you reside abroad. These exceptions cover:
Employees of a Swiss employer
People who are working for a Swiss employer in an EU or EFTA Member State or as posted workers in a third country and who are paid by this employer may continue to be insured under the OASI/DI/EO and unemployment insurance under certain circumstances.
More information can be found in the “Leaving Switzerland and moving to an EU/EFTA Member State” brochure on page 17.
Unemployed students under the age of 30
Unemployed students who leave their residence in Switzerland to pursue education abroad can continue to be insured under certain circumstances, specifically until 31 December of the year in which they turn 30 at the latest.
The insurance continues without interruption if the request is submitted within six months of the start of education abroad. The insurance cannot be continued beyond the end of this period.
More information can be found in the “Leaving Switzerland and moving to an EU/EFTA Member State” brochure on page 18.
Unemployed spouses of people with compulsory insurance in Switzerland
Unemployed persons abroad whose spouse holds compulsory Swiss OASI/DI can be added to the insurance. Unemployed persons with their residence abroad whose spouses are cross-border commuters working in Switzerland cannot be added.
More information can be found in the “Employees abroad and their relatives” brochure.
EU/EFTA pension request
Anyone who is entitled to a pension (OASI at least one full contribution year, DI at least three full contribution years) should submit their request a few months before reaching retirement age (women covered to the age of 64, men to the age of 65).
Information concerning early withdrawal or deferral of the pension can be found in the “Flexible pension withdrawal” leaflet from the OASI/DI information centre.
Persons domiciled in an EU or EFTA member state must make their applications for retirement pensions to the liaison agency in their country of residence.
As regards both retirement pensions and survivors’ pensions, a person who has never been affiliated to the social security system in the country of residence must make their application to the social insurance entity in the EU or EFTA state in which they last contributed. If the last state in which the insured person was affiliated is Switzerland or a country other than a member state of the EU or EFTA, the person concerned must request the application form for a requirement pension from the Swiss Compensation Office.
It is possible to have your pension paid to your residence abroad if this is allowed by the law of the country of residence. Payment is made directly by the Swiss Compensation Office SCO in the currency of the country of residence. The person entitled to the pension may also have it paid into a personal postal giro account or bank account in Switzerland.