David Mörker
“Being dedicated is one thing, Being dedicated to steadfastly striving to see to the needs and interests of those who live in these times and to ensuring a lasting legacy for future generations is quite another As the driving force, the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) clearly demonstrates that it is committed to supporting the nearly 800,000 Swiss nationals living abroad; its charter, but, more importantly, its unswerving, permanent commitment, its “raison d’être”, is supported by three pillars: 1. Raising awareness of, representing and protecting the needs and interests of Swiss nationals abroad with those living in Switzerland.2. Functioning as a central hub for Swiss nationals living abroad acting as unofficial ambassadors for Switzerland throughout the world.3. Providing a competence centre for all questions concerning the international mobility of Swiss nationals.The extensive and diverse commitment of the OSA must be sustainable, which is why I’m fully committed to making sure our non-profit organisation has a solid foundation for generations to come!At this point, I’d like to ask you to support this good cause in the interests of the Swiss nationals living throughout the world! As a non-profit organisation, OSA is reliant on our support. Every contribution counts and will be greatly appreciated!On behalf of our compatriots living throughout Europe and overseas, I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous support!”Executive Board member of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad