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Few have heard of the “Rütli of the Fifth Switzerland”

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If you live abroad and work or have worked in Switzerland, you can attend International Information Days in a number of EU countries to obtain free personalised advice on your rights and obligations with regard to old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI) and disability insurance (DI). Experts from the Swiss Compensation Office (SCO) attend many of these events.
The social security institutions of several EU countries hold International Information Days in a number of major cities in their respective national language. Foreign social security partners representing citizens from other countries can also participate. The Swiss Compensation Office (SCO) is one such institution, attending information days in neighbouring countries and other European countries with sizeable Swiss expatriate populations. Its consultations concern the following aspects in particular:
Anyone who wishes to use this advisory service must first contact the organiser of the Information Day they wish to attend. A detailed Information Day schedule for 2020 is available online at ogy.de/sak-beratung (in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish).
A number of Information Days involving the SCO have already taken place this year, but more are to follow in Germany (Cologne and Berlin), Austria (Vienna), France (Grenoble), Italy (Ragusa, Syracuse, Florence and Bologna) and Spain (La Coruña, Valencia and Alicante).
Last year saw around 1,000 insured persons make use of the SCO’s consultation services at venues in Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Portugal and Spain.