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Votes and Elections

The Federal Audit Office – driving efficiency and transparency since 1877

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Votes and Elections

Few have heard of the “Rütli of the Fifth Switzerland”

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Everything you need to know about voting proposals (voting pamphlets, committees, recommendations by Parliament and the Federal Council etc.) is available at www.admin.ch/votes or via the Federal Chancellery’s VoteInfo app.
The Federal Council determines voting proposals at least four months before the voting date.
On 4 November 2020, the Federal Council decided that there will be three federal proposals submitted to the people on 7 March 2021:
The following federal popular initiative had already been launched at the time of going to press (deadline for the collection of signatures in brackets):
The list of pending popular initiatives is available in German at: www.bk.admin.ch > Politische Rechte > Volksinitiativen > Hängige Volksinitiativen