Every year, around 70,000 young people throughout Switzerland begin an apprenticeship and over 39,000 men and women begin university studies. As Switzerland offers an excellent educational system, young Swiss Abroad are also attracted to their families’ country of origin. They come from all corners of the world recognising that this is a good opportunity to get to know Switzerland better. According to the Federal Statistical Office, some 3,500 Swiss Abroad were enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme in the 2018/19 academic year.
But how do you find the right educational course? What are the admission requirements? Are my language skills sufficient? How do you find an apprenticeship? There are so many questions to be answered. Every year, educationsuisse is in contact with numerous young Swiss Abroad to answer their questions. Educationsuisse offers information, advice and support:
- Information relating to different educational options such as university studies or vocational training
- Information relating to specific questions regarding admission requirements, required language skills, deadlines, accommodation, insurances, etc.
- Individual counselling, also in cooperation with a professional career counselling provider
- Assistance in applying for a cantonal scholarship and administrative support
- Student grants from educationsuisse and private foundations
The educationsuisse staff speak German, French, Italian, Spanish and English. We will be glad to help and answer questions about education in Switzerland via email, telephone, Skype or at our offices in Berne.
The Swiss educational system is illustrated and outlined in an easy-to-follow diagram on www.educationsuisse.ch. The website also contains a lot more information on the topic of education in Switzerland.
For specific questions contact: info@educationsuisse.ch or phone +41 31 356 61 04. Educationsuisse, Alpenstrasse 26, 3006 Berne, Switzerland, www.educationsuisse.ch.