Change of address Swiss Review

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Few have heard of the “Rütli of the Fifth Switzerland”

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Peter Zimmerli – Simone Jenny Flubacher
Dear readers,
I have been fortunate to serve as a bridge between you and the federal government over the past four years as the Delegate for Relations with the Swiss Abroad. I have always really enjoyed and attached great importance to my dialogue with fellow citizens, whether face-to-face at Congresses of the Swiss Abroad in Switzerland and abroad or through the federal government section of “Swiss Review”. The time has now come for me to depart as I will take over the direction of the Consulate General in Atlanta in the USA at the beginning of August. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to all the Swiss Abroad who enthusiastically represent Swiss values abroad.
Dear Swiss Abroad
I am very much looking forward to our future exchanges. This move takes me from dealing with preparations for emigration to addressing issues closer to you abroad. For 20 years I worked for the FDFA at various Swiss representations abroad. I returned to Switzerland at the end of 2012 where I set up the emigration advisory service at the Consular Directorate and dealt with various issues related to spending time abroad, emigration and returning to Switzerland. In July 2017, I will take over from Peter Zimmerli as the Delegate for Relations with the Swiss Abroad.