Discussion: The nuclear debate reignites

Discussion: Jura


Discussion: Strong response to our “big wolf hunt” article


Seniors are challenging Switzerland

I hope that a maximum of cities in the world will apply this Swiss urban model reorganisation. Good job guys.
Isabelle Pisler, Canada, Vancouver
This is such good news and an example for many other cities to follow. I like Singapore for the reason that it’s a relatively cool place yet right on the equator. Highrise buildings create shade and funnel the sea breeze, whilst many parks and trees provide the shade. Well done Switzerland!
Frank Burton, Cairns, Australia
It’s not just a question of planting trees. We also have to stop the proliferation of polluting cars, which have returned to the levels we saw before the temporary calm of the lockdown!
Danielle Beuchat, France
This man is exceptional! A well-rounded and accomplished artist, I’ve been following him for 40 years and have never been disappointed. I can confirm: he is a most impressive gentleman! Thank you and above all, keep going, please!
Nelly Menard, Ambilly, France
His music feeds my soul, my ears… and my admiration for Switzerland. And today, even from Patagonia, I listen to him and sing along with great affection. Thank you so much, Stephan!
Miguel Márquez Díaz, Osorno, Chile
Readers have – or had – until 31 July to take part in our survey and help shape the future of our magazine. Many readers also took the opportunity to praise or criticise “Swiss Review” online. We will report on the results of the survey in a later issue. Link to survey: survey2020.foeg.ch
The “Swiss Review” is a link which unites the Swiss Abroad with the country, especially for me, as I was born and grew up in France. I don’t think I would have felt interested in Switzerland if it wasn’t for this magazine. It is an excellent initiative and it needs to go on.
Florian Ziegler, Saint Louis, France
“Swiss Review” is my own little piece of Switzerland – a Switzerland that has and will always be close to my heart, based on everything my Swiss mother told me, my occasional visits to Switzerland, and the books that I have read. I think your magazine is fantastic. Hats off to the whole team.
Peter Ostoja-Zagorski, Klingenthal, Germany
The “Swiss Review” is a bridge between the Swiss Abroad and this beautiful country. Personally, I would welcome more explanations of Swiss politics and the workings of the Swiss institutions.
Scheiwiller Sylviane, Gesves, Belgium
I started reading and enjoying your magazine during the 18 years that I spent in South America. In stylistic and journalistic terms, “Swiss Review” is a match for any of the major Swiss newspapers. I still think you could improve by being less afraid to criticise. There is no need to gloss things over – you should tell things as they are. Please also be less idealistic in what you cover. Otherwise, carry on what you are doing!
Peter Eichenberger, Catalonia, Spain
“Swiss Review” is simply a waste of time. There are better ways to spend money.
Elsbeth Müller, Paros, Greece
I really enjoy and appreciate the “Swiss Review”. It gives us in the Swiss diaspora a good view of what is actually taking place in Switzerland. The quality of writing and research is excellent. Keep up the good work.
Virginia Lange Walter, Florida, USA
It is a pleasure to read each edition of the “Swiss Review.” For the Swiss and their descendants living abroad, it is a way to feel close to this beautiful country, which we never stop missing. The content of the magazine is excellent: we are always met with interesting articles which inspire us to exchange our ideas and opinions with one another. This is especially true of articles on Swiss art, culture and news, which are topics that do not always reach us abroad in other media. Thank you for providing us with this way to feel close again.
Edith Naef, Buenos Aires, Argentina
I am thankful to be receiving “Swiss Review”, because I don’t read any Swiss newspapers. My advice: be a bit braver!
Mildred Hilberdink-Furrer, Senden, Germany
Comments :
Wollen wir die weltweit erst- und einmalige kulturelle Meisterleistung der Personenfreizügigkeit und der gegenseitigen Diplomanerkennung auf hohem Niveau in Europa, der sich durch das Freizügigkeitsabkommen seit Juni 2002 auch die Schweiz angeschlossen hat, leichtsinnig und leichtfertig im Verhältnis Schweiz – EU auf's Spiel setzen? Zu diesem hochspannenden Thema siehe das Buch „Das Freizügigkeitsabkommen Schweiz-EG: Auswirkungen auf die Berufe der Humanmedizin“.“
Dr.iur.utr. Udo Adrian Essers
Dies ist wieder eine typische Initiative der SVP, Abschottung und wieder Nationalismus wie man es wieder in so manchen Länder aufkommen sieht und die bedenklich sind. Speziell ältere Leute möchten dies, profitieren aber stark vom bisher Erreichten. Haben die denn nichts gelernt? Wir müssen heute mehr als davor mit allen Ländern Lösungen erarbeiten, die das Leben dieses Planeten Erde sichern, wie sich dies nun auch während der Covid-19-Pandemie zeigt, – dies auch in Verantwortung kommender Generationen. Nur mit Zusammenarbeit mit der ganzen Welt ist dies erreichbar.
Fünf von insgesamt 862 Freitodbegleitungen wurden 2019 für Mitglieder aus dem Ausland erbracht. Deswegen sollen nun die Statuten geändert und gegenüber der steigenden Anzahl an Auslandschweizer/innen Vertragsbruch begangen werden? Der kürzlich verstorbene Gründer von Exit, Pfarrer Rolf Sigg, hätte nicht klein beigeben - nur weil einige ausländische Behörden Freitodwilligen Schwierigkeiten bereiten. Exit hat sich bisher dezidiert gegenüber Dignitas abgegrenzt, Nun zwingt der Verein ausgewanderte Schweizer/innen und bisherige Exit-Mitglieder zum teuren Wechsel in eine andere Organisation. Nach dem enormen Zulauf in letzter Zeit kann sich Exit offenbar solche Aussortierungen leisten. Eine bedenkliche Entwicklung!
I loved to read the article "The village where every cow has a name". The picture with the cows is so beautiful that I cut it out and framed it. It really made me "Heimweh". And don't worry, these imitations meat products will never replace a good steak or nice piece of chicken. Thank you for my Swiss Connection through your magazine that I always enjoy.