Which educational path should I choose?
Many sources of information exist but much often still remains unclear. Expectations are not met, causing disappointment. The advice of teachers, parents and friends is, of course, valuable. Specific information can be found on the websites of the educational institutions or “Berufsberatung” (careers advice) at www.berufsberatung.ch. educationsuisse provides professional advice on career opportunities and study, specifically for young Swiss people abroad, via Skype or at its premises in Berne.
How will my education be financed?
Parents are generally responsible for funding their children’s education in Switzerland. However, applications can be made for cantonal grants in the case of low-income households. Responsibility lies with the home canton as far as young Swiss Abroad are concerned. Every canton has its own legislation and provisions. It is therefore important to find out about grant entitlements and deadlines, etc. at an early stage. It is also worth finding out whether support for education in Switzerland is provided in the country where the parents live. Universities and private foundations also sometimes provide grants.
Where will I live in Switzerland?
There are many options including student halls of residence, shared accommodation with other students, or staying with relatives or host families. The Springboard project – organised jointly by educationsuisse and the OSA’s Youth Service – enables young Swiss Abroad aged over 18 to live with host families for between three and six months at the start of their education in Switzerland.
As soon as these three key questions have been addressed, nothing should stand in the way of starting the first year of an apprenticeship or the first semester at a university of applied sciences or a traditional university.
For further information or if you have questions concerning education in Switzerland, please contact the educationsuisse team: info@educationsuisse.ch.
www.educationsuisse.ch / www.berufsberatung.ch