



“We Swiss are like potatoes – our eyes are only opened when we are stuck in the mud.”
Tim Guldimann, Swiss Ambassador to Berlin, on the vote held on 9 February in a speech to the SP in Zurich
“I’ll spell this out clearly: We shouldn’t leave anything undone. We shouldn’t tie our own hands behind our backs.”
Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann announces his intention to campaign against the initiative for inheritance tax
“He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing.”
Epicurus, Greek philosopher (341–271 BC)
“A person should desire what they own, not what they owned in the past.”
Charles Ferdinand Ramuz (1878–1947), Swiss author
“We stand disappointed and watch on with concern, the curtain is closed and all questions are open.”
Bertold Brecht, German playwright (1898–1956)
“Going into politics is the equivalent of saying farewell to life – the kiss of death.”
Hans Magnus Enzensberger, German author
“The art of politics is to antagonise others while not becoming antagonised yourself – by means of confrontation with hard facts.”
Peter Bodenmann, former National Councillor and SP President, now a hotelier