



The funds available for Swiss development aid for the next four years amount to 11.11 billion francs. In its autumn session the Swiss Parliament approved this framework credit for international cooperation. The development aid is to be linked strategically with immigration policy. The National Council agreed with this proposal, which was presented by the Council of States.
Urs Allemann has started his work as the head of the new “Extremism and Violence Prevention” department in Winterthur. The city government decided in May to create this office when numerous cases of radicalised young people came to light. The aim of the department is to reinforce the network of integration promotion, youth employment, schools and city police. A specific aim is to recognise early on when a person is becoming radicalised.
On the Nufenen Pass in Valais four wind turbines were recently erected at 2,500 metres, making them the highest in Europe. The turbines produce 10 gigawatt hours per year, enough to supply 2,850 households. The cost of the wind park was approximately 20 million francs.
The commune of Binningen in Baselland has launched an initiative to combat light pollution. In future, street lights and other lights must shine downwards and advertising lighting must be switched off late at night. Spotlights shining into the sky will be banned. The redrafted SP initiative for the “prevention of unnecessary light emissions” was originally submitted in 2012, but an objection to the initiative delayed its processing. It has now been approved at the ballot box with a vote of 2,434 in favour and 2,019 against.
Picture Europe’s highest wind park. Photo Keystone