Special customs import provisions apply to pets, such as those concerning veterinary examinations, vaccinations and epidemic-prevention measures. Species protection regulations also apply to plants and animals. You will find all the information and factsheets on the Federal Customs Administration’s website:
www.customs.admin.ch > information individuals > animals and plants
If you click on the link “Crossing the border with dogs, cats or ferrets”, you will be directed to the website of the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office. Here you can access the provisions that apply directly to your specific situation by providing individual details (species, age, country from which you are travelling).
We recommend that you contact the information desk of the Federal Customs Administration to find out the exact procedure:
Federal Customs Administration (FCA), 3003 Berne, Tel +41 58 467 15 15, www.customs.admin.ch > contact
OSA’s Legal Department provides general legal information on Swiss law, in particular in the areas that concern the Swiss Abroad. It does not provide information on foreign law and does not intervene in disputes between private parties.
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