YPSA gets new president
Meet Max Groenveld, the new president of the Youth Parliament of the Swiss Abroad, who has just started his 2-year term connecting young Swiss Abroad around the world.
Born and raised in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Groenveld, who is Swiss on his mother’s side, feels a strong attachment to Switzerland and his Swiss identity. “I feel a sense of pride when it comes up in conversation. Switzerland is a place of stability and peace, of commerce and culture. It is one of the most globalised countries in the world, yet its people still maintain a level-headed attitude towards most things in life.”

What drives him in his task as president is that the next generation of Swiss people abroad are growing up without the experiences and memories their parents have had; they might be missing out on the rich culture and languages that are their birthright. They are potentially unaware of the advantages and benefits of being Swiss.
Roughly 10% of the Swiss population lives abroad; this is a hugely important number, especially if one considers the impact this group can have in a system of direct democracy.YPSA President
The 24 year old, who is doing a Master’s in international relations at the University of Amsterdam, finds that his Swiss identity puts him in a unique position to help connect the young Swiss Abroad with their culture and raise awareness of the privileges and possibilities that their Swiss nationality provides.

“It is the goal of the Youth Parliament of the Swiss Abroad to strengthen the cultural and political ties between Switzerland and the Swiss youth living abroad. We will accomplish this through media outreach, event coordination and fostering connections across the globe. If you want to know more, be sure to follow us on Instagram, where we communicate our events, and sign up for our newsletters.”