The Swiss Abroad in the Netherlands
20 April 2023
The New Helvetic Society Holland is the umbrella organisation of six Swiss clubs in the Netherlands, where more than 9,000 Swiss citizens live. The Netherlands has thus been a popular emigration destination for many years. On 22 April, the big delegates' meeting of the Dutch Swiss Associations will take place in Arnhem.
Of the more than 800,000 Swiss Abroad, around 1.1% lived in the Netherlands in 2022. Their number has almost doubled in the last 30 years. There are now five Swiss clubs and a shooting club (Schützensektion), which are united in the New Helvetic Society Holland (NHG). On 22 April, many of the delegates will meet in Arnhem for the general assembly. The NHG also organises an annual celebration of 1st August and an excursion in autumn. There are 2 delegates for the Netherlands in the Council of the Swiss Abroad.
The Swiss have long been fond of life in the Netherlands: the Swiss Club Amsterdam was founded as early as 1915. In the north of the country there is the Swiss Club North, "a cheerful and colourful bunch of people from the three northern provinces of Drente, Friesland and Groningen". In the south of the Netherlands, there is the Swiss Club South, founded in 1994, as well as the Swiss Club Den Haag – Rotterdam and the Swiss Club Utrecht, which was re-established in 1990. The Swiss clubs organise cosy get-togethers several times a year, often with a joint meal such as the Fondueplausch or an excursion.
The NHG also has a shooting club (Schützensektion). This section takes part in the Federal Schützenfest every five years and meets with other Swiss shooting clubs abroad for international friendship events.
The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, SwissCommunity, is delighted about the many members in the Netherlands and their precious activities, which strengthen the connection to our homeland and convey our Swiss values all over the world.
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