Change of address Swiss Review

Votes and Elections

The Federal Audit Office – driving efficiency and transparency since 1877

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Votes and Elections

Few have heard of the “Rütli of the Fifth Switzerland”

Please note

Voting proposals are determined by the Federal Council at least four months before the voting date. The following three proposals will be put to the vote on 21 May 2017:
Further voting dates 2017: 24 September, 26 November
All information on the proposals (voting pamphlets, committees, recommendations of Parliament and the Federal Council, electronic voting, etc.) can be found at www.admin.ch/votes.
The following new federal popular initiatives had been launched at the time of going to press (deadline for the collection of signatures in brackets):
The list of pending popular initiatives can be found at www.bk.admin.ch under Aktuell > Wahlen und Abstimmungen > Hängige Volksinitiativen.