The Foundation for Young Swiss Abroad will be 100 years old in 2017. To mark this jubilee, the FYSA is holding a picture competition:
1. Are you aged between 8 and 14?
2. Then draw a picture on the topic of “100 years of the FYSA” (maximum size: A4) and send it by post, enclosing a copy of your ID card or passport, to:
Foundation for Young Swiss Abroad (FYSA)
Alpenstrasse 26
3006 Berne
3. The deadline for entries is 8 January 2017.
4. Following internal preselection, the ten best drawings will be published on our Facebook page ( from 9 January 2017 onwards.
5. Our followers on Facebook will then have until 31 January 2017 to “like” their favourite drawing.
6. The drawing that gets the most likes will win the competition. The entrant will be notified by email.
So, get out your coloured pencils and pens and draw yourself two unforgettable weeks in one of our jubilee summer camps in 2017. Good luck!