Federal Youth Session in Berne, 10/11 to 13/11/2016
This year’s Youth Session for 200 young people will take place from 10/11 to 13/11/2016. Several places are reserved for the Swiss Abroad. During our workshops we ensure participants are well prepared, providing information about Swiss politics, political processes and opportunities for participation.
New Year’s ski camp for young people in Valbella (Grisons), 27/12/2016 to 6/1/2017
A programme rich in variety in the mountains of Grisons. Skiing or snowboard lessons in small groups, a varied fringe programme and the chance to make new friends. Supervision by a well-trained team of leaders. This offer is aimed at young people aged 15 to 18.
Winter sports camp for adults in Grächen (Valais), 27/12/2016 to 6/1/2017
We are organising a camp for adults over the New Year period for the first time. Young and young-at-heart Swiss Abroad (aged 18 and over) will enjoy a winter camp in Grächen, Valais.
German course in Berne, 9/1 to 20/1/2017
Four lessons in the morning, activities in the afternoon and accommodation with a host family. Improve your knowledge of one of Switzerland’s four national languages. There is also an opportunity to learn basic Swiss German at a workshop.
Funding is available to the Youth Service to provide support for financially disadvantaged participants. The application form can be obtained by email from youth@aso.ch.
Registration start date
Registration for the winter sports offers begins on 15 September 2016.
Further information on the offers and registration can be found on our websites www.aso.ch and www.swisscommunity.org.
Offers from partners:
Schweizer Jugend Forscht (Swiss Youth in Science): sjf.ch/nationaler-wettbewerb/nationaler-wettbewerb-2017/
Easyvote popular votes in September 2016): https://www.easyvote.ch