The BDP is against Switzerland joining the EU. But that doesn’t change the fact the Switzerland has close economic and social ties with the countries in the EU. The bilateral approach we have taken is good for Switzerland. This has been confirmed by the people of Switzerland many times. Some of the agreements are good, some are criticised, others need revision. It would certainly be extremely dangerous to jeopardise this path and our prosperity because of unnecessary initiatives to limit immigration.
No other partner has contributed as much to the prosperity of Switzerland as the EU. The EU also benefits from Switzerland. We want a relationship with the EU that is positive for both Switzerland and the EU. For the CVP, it is clear: The bilateral agreements are not negotiable. The people have agreed multiple times. Freedom of movement in Europe, the ability to sell our goods and services in the EU without any downsides, the exchange of knowledge – we all benefit from it on a daily basis. The CVP has always spoken in favour of the bilateral approach with the EU and repelled isolationist attacks. That’s why the CVP rejects the SVP’s so-called termination initiative. An end to the freedom of movement for people would have grave consequences for the economy, research and jobs in Switzerland. All other market access agreements and the research agreement with the EU would cease.
The bilateral approach guarantees us custom access to the EU internal market without having to join the EU. It has brought the people of Switzerland jobs, growth and prosperity, and enables hundreds of thousands of people to live and work in the EU/EFTA. The termination initiative by the conservative isolationists is a direct attack on this successful approach. It’s important that Switzerland is able to continue counting on highly-qualified workers from abroad. At the same time, however, the FDP takes the concerns of many Swiss people regarding immigration seriously. So, we want to take a firm stand against abuses and negative effects: Social tourism must be combated, family reunions in the event of immigration from third countries must be restricted, and asylum abuses need to be remedied.
We don’t just want to preserve the bilateral treaties, we want to develop them further. The GLP is the only party that stood up for a framework agreement by conviction from the very beginning.
Green Party
Switzerland is part of Europe. As a European party, the Greens are committed to a neighbourly relationship between Switzerland and the EU. The bilateral approach benefits the citizens of Switzerland and everyone in the EU. We want a boost to collaboration, particularly when it comes to education, research and protecting the environment. But it is also clear that a good neighbourhood needs reliable rules. A framework agreement with the EU is imperative for the continued development of the bilateral approach. However, openness towards Europe is only capable of securing a majority in a referendum if the accompanying freedom of movement measures are not weakened. To get better protection against tax dumping from the EU, Switzerland should finally make progress with tax office assistance and the measures against tax dumping.
The management and control of immigration is essential. Switzerland has taken in over 1.1 million immigrants since the implementation of freedom of movement for people. The pressure on wages and jobs is noticeable, especially for those over the age of 50. That’s why the SVP wants to limit the right to free migration with its Limitation Initiative. The excellent mutual trade relations with the EU should be maintained.
The excellent achievements of freedom of movement – the ability to live and work throughout Europe – absolutely must be preserved. European integration is part of the foundation of peace and prosperity in Europe and in Switzerland. However, this cannot be about companies recruiting as many employees from abroad as possible. The shortage of skilled workers must instead be countered through massive investment in education. The pool of suitable workers will also increase if family and career become more compatible and men and women finally get the same wages. Job market integration should be increased with additional measures for catch-up education for migrants and additional protections for the over 50s. All this should counter the economy’s inclination to only search for workers abroad.