Switzerland – a nation of settled people and places in shadow
19.01.2024 – Marc Lettau
9.5 %
The Swiss are becoming more settled: the number of people moving home is lower than it has been for a long time. Only 9.5% of the population moved in 2022. It’s easy to see why: there is a lack of rental apartments on the market. And these are often prohibitively expensive. (Source: Federal Statistical Office)
Something almost unbelievable is going on under the radar: Switzerland is sinking. Several large areas have sunk by up to 15 centimetres within a few years, such as Linth plain (GL). However, the experts see no cause for concern: the areas affected were extensively drained in the 19th and 20th centuries. Those water corrections are still making their presence felt. (Source: Swisstopo)
There are places in Switzerland that are beautiful, but no-one wants to move there. This is because they don’t get the sun during the winter. For example, Emmetten (NW) has been overshadowed by the nearby mountains since 30 October – and will remain so until 13 February 2024. That makes 106 days, more than a quarter of a year. And there are many more such ‘shadow locations’ in Switzerland: Cadenazzo (TI), Glis (VS), Hergiswil (NW), Oberterzen (SG) and Vicosoprano (GR), to name but a few. (Source: MeteoSwiss)
On the subject of water: good news! Consumption of drinking water has fallen by 21 per cent in Switzerland since 1990. Current consumption is 287 litres per person. N.B.: that’s 287 litres per day. That puts a different perspective on it. (Source: Federal Statistical Office)
44 %
Switzerland has surveys and studies on almost everything. A new study based on the hypothesis ‘House pets make people happy’ concludes that 44% of Swiss have a dog-friendly workplace. And 70% of all respondents see that as a sign of a progressive corporate culture. The study was incidentally commissioned by… a dog food retailer. (Source: Mars Schweiz/iVox)
Figures compiled by Marc Lettau