Discussion: The nuclear debate reignites

Discussion: Jura


Discussion: Strong response to our “big wolf hunt” article


Seniors are challenging Switzerland

There has been much debate about immigration and foreign workers in Switzerland over recent years. It is often easy to forget what a positive impact this can have on those concerned and their countries of origin if they return home. Many Spaniards found work in Switzerland from 1973 to the 1990s. 75 people emigrated to Switzerland in 1973 from the village near our farm in Salamanca alone. One of our current employees, for example, spent 17 years working for Borsary Co. before returning to Spain. He has fond memories of Switzerland, as do most of his neighbours. It is also great to see the influence working there has had on them. In their current jobs they are dependable, punctual and precise, which they attribute to their training in Switzerland.
I would like to thank you for the cover photo of the June 2015 issue of “Swiss Review”. Its symbolism is fantastic. A powerful Swiss Cross moves into the scene from the right with the euro symbol of the European Central Bank (ECB) behind it. A true vision of the future as the power of Switzerland, direct democracy and participation in decision-making by all citizens must increasingly permeate the consciousness of all Europeans in order for Europe to rebuild itself from the bottom up based on the will of its citizens.
In the June issue, Professor Kohler referred to a “factional election campaign”. I do not share his anxiety and concerns. Factional election campaign? That is certainly nothing new in Switzerland. Think back four years or eight years. Was it different then? And what about during the tumultuous period of the youth movement in the 1980s? Or after 1968 at the time of the Vietnam War? Not to mention the prolonged period during the Cold War. This was an era abounding with national traitors and Moscow one-way recommendations.
I would like to say publicly that Widmer-Schlumpf is a turncoat in my eyes. I personally hold her responsible for the banking fiasco. I am far from being a friend of UBS, but I believe Widmer-Schlumpf has shamelessly betrayed Switzerland and its banking confidentiality as well as the Swiss People’s Party (SVP). I do, however, believe we need a non-conservative party. But don’t count me in.
Wait a minute! I love watching women football, but I do not try to compare it to men's soccer. However, Claudia Schumacher's article is very clear and honest. I don't think it takes anything away from the game, it just states the realities of the day. Women are women, and we love it that way. Aloha.
I am a Swiss citizen by marriage, living in the US. When I saw the headline about the Swiss National Women's soccer team I was pleased – after all, the team is playing in the World Cup for the first time. But the article was an example of how biased "journalism" helps to keep women's sports from getting the respect they deserve. While purporting to provide information about why the team doesn't get the funding and recognition to thrive, the writer repeatedly reinforces stereotypes and uses a patronizing tone throughout. She apparently supports the idea that women wear nail polish on the field to make a better impression! I am amazed this article made it through your editorial review. Swiss female athletes deserve our admiration and support, not our condescension.
I am Swiss but live in the USA. In Portland, Oregon, our women’s team, Thorns FC, plays in the same stadium as the men and their average attendance is over 13,000 (21,000 for the men). The women’s national team is almost as popular as the men’s team. A few days ago 27,000 people watched a friendly match played by the women’s national team in Los Angeles. I wish the same could happen in other countries.
I do hope Tim Guldimann keeps up his good intentions to truly represent the interests of the Swiss Abroad when he enters politics. It was disheartening to have been treated like second class citizens as we were when our banks abandoned us as clients just because we have foreign addresses. Surely, an exception could have been made on our behalf so that we did not all feel like we were being treated like criminals.
Comments :
Das in Wien zustande gekommene Abkommen unter Federfuehrung von Obama und seiner Mitlaeufer in Sache atomarer Zukunft Iran's ist allseitig sachlich betrachtet - ob dagegen oder dafuer - ganz ohne Zweifel eine reine Risikospekulation.
Ein Risikoabkommen ganz einfach auf Grund dessen eas der Iran ist, sagt und tut.
Seit 20 Jahre beluegt und betruegt der Iran in Sache Atomprojekt, verarscht den Westen und seine Institutionen erfolgreich nach Strich und Faden. Fakt.
Der Iran ist seit mindestens 15 Jahre die groesste Terrorfabrik international, und heut aktiv denn je zuvor. Fakt.
Gesetz und Ordnung im Iran fussen auf islamischer religioeser Inquisitinspraxis und Verhoehnung der Menschenrechte. Fakt.
Seine Aussenpolitik beruht auf der Ueberzeugung des islamischen Weltreichs. Fakt.
Der groesste Feind Iran's ist nach wie vor die geistige Zivilisation. Seine immer wieder wiederkehrende Aussage jene weltweit auszurotten - nicht minder wie die der ISIS - ist Fakt.
Und was hat der Westen jetzt? Wenn alles gut ablaeuft eine erlaubte legale iranische Atombombenproduktion erst in 15 Jahre. Welche westliche Politik denkt ueberhupt heut noch an solche Jahresrahmen, geschweige denn an die kommende Generation. Von dem einst geforderten "roten Strich" zu beginn der Verhandlungen keine Erinnerung mehr, der besagte: rund um die Uhr vor Ort Ueberwachung und Einschraenkung, oder militaerischer Eingriff.
Ja, und nicht zu vergessen den Obama-Bonus: 24 Tage Ansage gewuenschter Kontrollbesuche und Aufhebung des Waffenembargos und Bankensperre inklusive privater iranischer Terrororganisatioen; aber von Befreiung westlicher unschuldiger Gefangener ist kein Wort die Rede.
Tiefer braucht man da erst gar nicht zu forschen um zu verstehen dass mit jenem Abkommen nicht nur der gesamte Gedanke an einen gesamt orientalischen Frieden sehr, sehr, langfristig und gruenlich begraben wurde und Kriegshandlungen, Aufruestung und Chaos im Orient beguenstigt werden, sondern auch der Gedanke an allgemein logischem Denkvermoegen mit Obamas Ansage, dass die Alternative Krieg im Orient gewesen waer; als ob jetzt kein Krieg sei... Luegenhaft schwachsinniger geht's wahrlich nicht mehr, jetzt wo durch ihn der Gefaehrlichste aller Islamstaaten zur militaerischen Grossmacht eingesegnet wird.
Der Jubel ist nun ein ganz Grosser - ausser im Iran naruerlich bei Assad, der Hisbolla u.s.w., internationale Terorzellen, westliche Industriekonzerne und westliche Finanzpolitik stimmen sie allesamt in den Jubel ein; die Freude Gleichgesinnter!
Ist Euch noch nie aufgefallen, dass der Obama noch NIE den Auspruch "islamischer Terror" benutzte?
Frage nach Sinn der USA Aussenpolitik? Sinn der Frage ist wohl mehr und mehr eine rein OBAMA psychiatrische.
Arye Ophir, 16.Juli 2015