We ran a campaign from May 2015 to autumn 2016 calling upon the Swiss Abroad to make a contribution to the renovation of the Area for the Swiss Abroad on Lake Lucerne. This area was acquired in 1990 – thanks to a collection raised amongst the Swiss Abroad, which was doubled by federal government – and officially inaugurated in 1991 as part of the 700th anniversary celebrations of the Swiss Confederation.
After 25 years, usage and the passage of time have left their mark. Our area therefore underwent extensive renovation in 2016. The existing grass pavers were repaired and their area doubled, and the power distribution was brought into line with modern standards and extended. This cost a total of around 231,000 Swiss francs, most of which was provided by the canton of Schwyz and local sponsors. However, the Swiss Abroad also played their part. A total of 114 donors from every continent contributed 70,879 francs. We wish to express our most sincere gratitude to them for their support.
While the collection is over, we would be happy to accept further donations. The bank account details are:
Stiftung Auslandschweizerplatz Brunnen, Kantonalbank Schwyz,
IBAN: CH91 0077 7002 0398 2195 1, BIC: KBSZCH22XXX.
The foundation will install a donor plaque for amounts over 5,000 francs on the memorial stone marking the foundation and inauguration of the area at the entrance.
Thank you all once again.
Alex Hauenstein, President of the Area for the Swiss Abroad Foundation Board
Robert Engeler, Foundation Board member, Swiss Abroad sponsorship
The following donors made contributions:
Donations above CHF 10,000
Canton of Schwyz, Schwyz
Schwyzer Kantonalbank, Schwyz
Hürzeler Norma Lucia and Walter, Roveredo GR/Vicenza I
Käppeli Strassen- und Tiefbau AG Schwyz, Seewen-Schwyz
Donations above CHF 1,000
Congress of the Swiss Abroad participants, Geneva
Breil-Brem A.M.K., Unterhaching D
Collegamento Svizzero in Italia, Milan I
Collegamento Svizzero in Italia congress participants, Genoa I
Gazzetta Svizzera, Lugano
Hobohm Erhard, Argentina
Küng-Stahl Monika, Cobble Hill B.C. CAN
Moser Willy, Baudoncourt F
Peter Eugen, Goiânia Brazil
Sandoz Valery, Pureaux F
Schwarz Stefan, Munich D
Schweizerverein im Fürstentum Liechteinstein, Vaduz FL
Schweizer Verein München, Munich D
Società Svizzera di Soccorso, Turin I
Swiss Club Singapore, Singapore
Swiss Society Bangkok, THA-Bangkok
Teasley Gervait Anna, Brunnen
Union des Associations Suisses de France, France
Wyss Patrick, Mexico
Zimmermann Martha, Châteauguay CAN
Other donations
Albrecht Bruno, Castelleone I
Albrecht Marianne and Ernst, Saarbrücken D
Althaus Roman, Dossenheim D
Ambühl Leonhard, Wanneroo AUS
Anderhalden Peter, Grevenbroich D
Amicale Suisse Ledonienne, Saillenard F
Anhorn Ingeborg, Revelstoke, Canada
Aroe Isabella, Oslo N
ASO Deutschland – various donations, D
Association Hélvetique en Bourbonnais Res. Auteuil, Bellerive FR
Associazione Monte Tabor, Milan I
Auf der Maur Sylvia & Albert, Brunnen
Council of the Swiss Abroad collection, Brunnen
Bart Susanne, Stuttgart D
Bartels-Juchler Barbara and Klaus, Hamburg D
Béchade R. & M., Emmen
Bianconi Francesco, Braunschweig D
Bielefeldt Maria Katharina, Hamburg D
Blanc François, Morgins
Borner Uthai, Bangkok Thailand
Brand I.A.M. EO, Bergschenkhoek NL
Bruhlmeier Pierre & Linda,
Brunnen Tourismus, Brunnen
Buergler B., Noordwijk aan Zee NL
Cercle Suisse Luxembourg, Gonderage L
Christen Dorothea, IT
Circolo Svizzero Roma, Rome I
Circolo Svizzero Trieste, Trieste I
Circolo Svizzero della Romagna, Rimini IT
De Forestier Andreas and M.-Chr., Munich D
Diggelmann Ruth, Munich D
Drache Josette & Hans-Joachim, Cologne D
Engeler Robert, Thun CH
Fartaczek Liliane, Landshut D
FOSSUK General Meeting participants, London UK
Grünenfelder Niklaus, Aarau
Gstpar Markus Prof. Dr., Germany
Gut Katrin & Sembill Detlef,
Gysin Johannes, Guildford GB
Hamilton Charles + Schuler Traykovski Eileen, USA
Handschin Torretta Marianne, Trieste I
Hannich-Bode Ingrid, Lörrach D
Hari Monika, Loganholme AUS
Hehlgans Thomas & Monica Stolz, Wenzenbach D
Holzer Judith, Bielefeld D
Huizink Lisbeth, Parakou BJ
Inglin Martin Xaver, Rome I
Joyce Patrick, Choisy F
K. Maria, Bielefeld D
Kassack Heinrich, Wunstorf D
Kaul Peter S., Dresden D
Kelsch Ihno, D
Kraft Johann, Wasserburg D
Kurle Werner, Reichenbach D
Langlois Jacques, Magny les Hameaux F
Leuenberger Margrit,
Mearini Paolo, I
Mesplou Alice, Jeannet F
Michel Elisabeth, Osnabrück D
Mossu Maurice, Lavigny F
Müller Jean, Couvet NE
Naess Vreni, Chicago USA
Oppliger Otto, Jacksonville USA
Pellegrino Vito Annemarie Wyler, Verona I
Petropoulus Regula, Katoassos, GR
Pfister Hans-Joachim, Müllheim D
Reiser Paul, Bremen D
Riesen Dagmar and Horst, Willhelmshaven D
Ryffel & Ryffel AG Landschaftsarchitekten, Uster CH
Sahin Sandra and Sidki, Wittlingen D
Sandoz Valery, Puteaux F
Scatassa Eliane e Salvatore, Reitano IT
Schoch Silvia, Victoria CAN
Schwarz Gaby,
Schweizer Klub Norwegen, Oslo N
Schweizer Klub Süden, Helden NL
Schweizerverein Vorarlberg, Lustenau A
Società Elvetica di Beneficenza, Trieste I
Società Svizzera Milano, Milan I
Stocker Karl, D
Stucky Georg, Baar CH
Stumm Dorothea, Bülach CH
Swiss Club Ireland, Ireland
Verzar Monika, Trieste I
Weber William & Annick, Emmen CH
Weymuth Susanna Genoveva, Buenos Aires
Wirth Chantal, Bad Nauheim D
Wyss Rosita, Bietigheim D
Zonneveld-Farine I.E., Hellevoetsluis NL
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