Live stream of the meeting and election of the Council of the Swiss Abroad for the legislative period 2021 – 2025
16 August 2021
On 20 and 23 August 2021, the meeting of the Council of the Swiss Abroad will be held online. A live stream of the proceedings will be available. At this constituent session, new members will be welcomed, and the elections of the President and the Executive Board will take place.
The Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) is the global representative body of the Swiss Abroad. The current four-year legislative period comes to an end in August 2021. During the first half of 2021, elections for future delegates took place all over the world, organised via the Swiss clubs. At the meeting to be held on 20 and 23 August 2021, the new CSA will be constituted and the President and Board of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA), SwissCommunity, will be elected. You can follow the meeting live on our website via live stream.
The first part of the online meeting will begin on Friday 20 August 2021 at 13.00 (CET/Swiss time). The newly elected delegates will be welcomed and we will bid farewell to the departing members. The CSA will then be constituted and the election of the President and the Executive Committee will take place, enabling the goals of the new legislature to be fixed. The first part of the meeting will conclude with an exchange with the Swiss authorities in the form of an information and discussion round with representatives of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).
The meeting will continue on Monday 23 August 2021 at 13.00 (CET/Swiss time). This second part will take the form of an exchange on issues of relevance to the OSA, such as Swiss clubs, and will allow time for discussions among delegates. A key concern is the relationship between Switzerland and the European Union. The OSA’s future course of action will be decided in the light of the latest developments.
On the SwissCommunity website you will find more information about the CSA and the elections in 2021.
Some current regional editions of "Swiss Review" list the new members by country.
Information about the meetings is also available via Twitter: on the SwissCommunity channel @SwissCommunity and with the hashtags #ASRSitzung and #SéanceCSE.