How the young Swiss Abroad experienced the New Year's ski camp 2022-2023
23 January 2023
26 young Swiss Abroad spent New Year in Grächen in the canton of Valais and discovered more than just the Swiss Alps. In addition to fun on the slopes, they experienced culinary and adventurous highlights.
The young Swiss Abroad arrived in Switzerland by plane and train on 28 December 2022. They spent their first evening in a cosy get-to-know-you group with music and fun games.
The sounds of "Guten Morgen Sonnenschein" woke the young people on their first morning and, to their chagrin, haunted them all day. Nevertheless, they discovered the impressive "surreality" of the Swiss Alps and had an energetic day in the snow. The following day, they were out in groups enjoying Switzerland on the slopes and in fresh powder snow. They also explored "the most Swiss store ever" in search of a pumpkin seed snack: a Coop shop.
On New Year's Eve, the young Swiss Abroad improved their snow skills in a skiing and snowboarding course that took "too long" for them. They celebrated the end of the year with a traditional fondue followed by a youth party with drinks, snacks and roasted marshmallows.
GUETES NEUES!!!!!!! We started off the day with the new year. We all toasted and clinked glasses, then one of us lost two games of foosball, without scoring a single goal. We took lots of cool polaroid, and one of the girls was walking around and taking candid photos of everyone. People looked amazinnnnnnng! Then we all went to bed at 1 and woke up at 9:45, with some great music.
They started the New Year's Day with a handmade “Züpfe” and crispy muesli. Then they went to Zermatt, where they were able to pick up some free “Schöggeli” at the local chocolate shop. In the evening, the birthday of one participant was celebrated with much joy, cake and candles.
Over the next few days, the young people hit the slopes again, where they experienced unforgettable adventures and had a great portion of fun.
The view was very nice, and we had immeasurable amounts of fun that can never be replicated.
On the evening of 3rd January, they also went on a fun night hike with flares and torches, and they were able to admire a frozen lake in the moonlight.
The last two days were also dedicated to the ski slopes. Some of the young people took advantage of the opportunity to swap their skis for snowboards and vice versa to test their sporting skills in the other discipline. Finally, the young Swiss Abroad enjoyed the "best menu of the whole holiday" and a final celebration before returning home.
Here you will find the current offers for young people 2023.
Discover more impressions of the past youth camps.
And read our news about the summer camps 2022.