Two recreational camps in Leysin and one in La Punt
The recreational camps now provide an even wider range of activities. They do not focus solely on sport but instead also include lots of cultural activities. The best thing is that you can design part of the itinerary yourself to suit your own interests so that you have even more fun!
18+ sport and recreational camp in Sörenberg
Our sport and recreational camp in Sörenberg this year is aimed at young adults aged 18 and over. The days will be spent in the moorland landscape of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch. The region offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy various types of sport and a rich culture.
Outdoor camp
Do you love the countryside and feel at home out of doors ? A two-week adventure awaits you! You will have an unforgettable time and explore the many facets of the Swiss natural environment. Guided by an experienced team of leaders you will learn how to survive in the outdoors without luxury items.
Discover Switzerland extended
Would you like to spend your holidays in Switzerland and visit its cities and mountain regions? Then this is the perfect offer for you. You will spend two weeks as a guest with a host family and discover a different city or region every day. “Discover Switzerland extended” will take you right across Switzerland.
Summer language courses in German and French
Our German and French courses cater for both beginners and advanced learners. In addition to the basic course, you can also register for the focus group (eight additional lessons). We organise a recreational programme every afternoon. Our welcoming host families will make you feel at home and provide you with an insight into everyday Swiss life.
Seminar at the Congress in Basel
This year’s Congress in Basel is on the topic of “The Swiss at home and abroad – one world”. It will focus on dialogue between Swiss people living in Switzerland and those abroad. A week full of exciting encounters and a programme rich in variety await you.
Register now!
All the information and registration forms can be found at and