The website is an excellent source of information. As Switzerland’s official information website for careers advice, it contains comprehensive information in German, French and Italian that can be accessed at any time. Areas of interest can be explored and narrowed down in tests. Various career paths are explained with information on requirements and applicable courses. You can search for apprenticeship places available under LENA. The site also provides advice on how to word apprenticeship applications. In addition it offers detailed information on all courses of study at universities, federal institutes of technology, universities of applied sciences and teacher training colleges as well as career opportunities after graduation. The study interest check (SIC) helps you to find out information and choose your course.
The website is an excellent source of information. As Switzerland’s official information website for careers advice, it contains comprehensive information in German, French and Italian that can be accessed at any time. Areas of interest can be explored and narrowed down in tests. Various career paths are explained with information on requirements and applicable courses. You can search for apprenticeship places available under LENA. The site also provides advice on how to word apprenticeship applications. In addition it offers detailed information on all courses of study at universities, federal institutes of technology, universities of applied sciences and teacher training colleges as well as career opportunities after graduation. The study interest check (SIC) helps you to find out information and choose your course.
The Swiss careers service website provides young people abroad with a good opportunity to obtain key information without having to travel to Switzerland. You can, of course, also visit the cantonal careers information centres (BIZ) in Switzerland, which are known as information desks in some cantons. With their libraries and information desks, these advisory centres provide a wide range of information on all careers, courses of study and further training and education. Consultations are also available. Advance registration is usually required.
New: Consultations
In cooperation with the BIZ, Educationsuisse is providing personal consultations in the Bern-Mittelland region. These are carried out by qualified BIZ experts and can be conducted via Skype or at their premises in Berne. Individual questions can be answered in personal discussions with an advisor.
For further details and to register, email:
The website provides information on the topic of “education in Switzerland”, especially for the Swiss Abroad.