"Switzerland needs you and your ties to the rest of the world now more than ever."
4 July 2022
Video message from Mr Ignazio Cassis, President of the Swiss Confederation, to mark Swiss National Day 2022 for the Swiss Abroad.
Address by President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis on 1 August 2022 (PDF, 232 KB, English)
"Fellow Swiss citizens living around the world,
Many parts of the world are currently experiencing far greater turmoil than we are here in Switzerland. Wherever you are, I hope that you are well and that you can enjoy peaceful and safe celebrations on Swiss National Day this year.
These are troubled times for the world. The pandemic has upended many of our lives.
We have had to find ways to adapt. War and battle tanks have also reappeared in Europe, claiming victims and driving millions of Ukrainians from their homes. We thought those days were over. But we were wrong.
The 21st century challenges us to find solutions – and to find them together. Solutions to build lasting peace and the conditions for living in safety. Solutions to fight climate
change, which threatens our existence.
And Switzerland is ready to take on its responsibilities – for example, its work on the UN Security Council and its hosting of the Ukraine Recovery Conference, held in Lugano in early July to set the course for Ukraine's recovery process.
Our ability to reach compromises that work, our spirit of innovation and our diversity are our strengths. They are the wealth of Switzerland. They are what gives me courage
and confidence for the future.
Many of you embody these qualities, abroad as well. You build bridges and forge new paths. The Federal Council is deeply grateful for this.
As foreign minister, I would also like to improve communications with all of you. We are working on new tools – for example, a new mobile phone app – to keep you up to date with developments and make it easier for you to communicate with Swiss representations abroad.
Fellow citizens, friends of Switzerland,
Switzerland needs you and your ties to the rest of the world now more than ever. I wish you peaceful and pleasant festivities on this Swiss National Day.
Happy 1st of August!"