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SwissCommunity News

Re-election of the CSA for the 2025-2029 mandate

The election of the delegates of the Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA), the supreme body of the Organization of the Swiss Abroad (OSA), will take place worldwide between January and June 2025. (Information available in German and French)

Find out more in German

SwissCommunity News

The new edition of "Swiss Review" is out

Lack of snow in the mountains | Local journalism in Huttwil | The political climate towards the Fifth Switzerland | and much more

Join the Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) – the Parliament of the Fifth Switzerland!

For the first time, centralized online direct elections are being held in 13 countries or country groups. Is your country one of them? If so, you can nominate yourself as a candidate until Saturday, February 15.

Webinar: Environmental Responsibility Initiative

Swiss politics understandable to everyone: Find out now about the upcoming popular votes on February 9. Available in German and French.

Winter camp in Davos – A Thrilling Start to the Year

From December 27, 2024, to January 5, 2025, 36 young Swiss nationals living abroad kicked off the year with an unforgettable ski and snowboarding camp in Davos.

Webinar «Working and job market in Switzerland»

Are you a Swiss national living abroad and of working age? Are you planning on looking for a job in Switzerland and working here? Our webinar will show you what you need to bear in mind and the challenges you will face. Webinar in German and French.

The Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) held its final meeting of the year virtually

Key items on the agenda included the election of a new internal member, the introduction of the new Congress format starting in 2025, an exchange with representatives from the FDFA, discussions on banking services tailored to the needs of Swiss citizens abroad, and an overview of the upcoming CSA elections planned for 2025.

«Living in...»: Take part and tell us your story!

Your experiences abroad are unique and precious! The aim of this project on the SwissCommunity social media channels is to present the stories and experiences of Swiss nationals living abroad.

Webinar: Challenges of returning at retirement age

If, as a Swiss abroad, you find yourself in this phase of your life and are thinking of returning to Switzerland, this webinar will give you an overview of the various elements to be taken into account and the challenges to be faced. The webinar is available in German and French.

The online network for Swiss Abroad

Become a member of the biggest network for Swiss Abroad. For a piece of home, wherever you are.

50 years of «Swiss Revue»

Why did the first “Swiss Review” appear in 1974? And what about its journey since then? We look at the magazine’s evolution over the years – on its 50th birthday.

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

Family travels through Mexico by bus - piano included

06. febrero 2025 - A family adventure: Gabriella Sieber and René Loosli have been travelling through Mexico with their three children for two years. A piano travelling…

Is the job of Swiss government minister too complex and 'politically exposed'?

05. febrero 2025 - The position of Swiss government minister seems to have lost its shine – that is according to a non-representative survey of the Swiss Broadcasting…

Switzerland's bankruptcy fraudsters

05. febrero 2025 - A group of entrepreneurs in French-speaking Switzerland have each filed dozens of bankruptcies in the space of just a few years. But they were not…

How the red voting booklets are produced

04. febrero 2025 - The Vogt-Schild printing company in Derendingen is handling a major order for the Swiss government: six million voting booklets are printed for each…

Are young women and men in Switzerland drifting apart?

03. febrero 2025 - Political views of young women and men are drifting apart – a phenomenon that can be observed around the world. A major opinion poll conducted by the…

AI courses are booming in Switzerland

03. febrero 2025 - How can artificial intelligence (AI) be integrated and utilised in everyday life? Courses on this topic are increasing in demand. Artificial…

Swiss marine scientist dives into paradise in the Seychelles 

03. febrero 2025 - Swiss marine scientist Henriette Grimmel lives far from family and friends on a remote island in the Seychelles. She spends her days studying life in…

An eye-opening guide to Switzerland’s ear-splitting sirens

01. febrero 2025 - Every year, on the first Wednesday in February, the sound of 7,200 sirens dotted around Switzerland fills the air, startling anyone who doesn’t…

Marius Bear – bullied as a child, applauded as a musician

31. enero 2025 - Since representing Switzerland at the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in Turin in 2022, Marius Bear has reached an audience of around 150 million with…

SWI – a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR
