Working abroad
The consular directorate of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) offers a wide range of information on finding a job and working abroad:
- Working abroad (FDFA)
- Searching for employment abroad (FDFA)
- List of job search links
- Recognition of university qualifications (FDFA)
A variety of job centres and websites provide details of jobs that are available abroad. We also recommend that you consult the job search websites of the country in which you would like to work.
Working and looking for jobs in EU/EFTA member states
The EURES network (European Employment Services) offers information, advice and services regarding recruitment and job placements for employees, employers and all citizens interested in taking advantage of the principle of the free movement of persons.
Internship and placement programmes abroad
It is also possible to complete an internship or a placement abroad.
We recommend you find out about these programmes yourself, or contact the authorities in the country to which you wish to move to enquire about the training opportunities there.
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