The Swiss in the UK
The number of Swiss nationals in the UK continues to grow. In 2023, there were 42 600 Swiss citizens in the UK and Ireland, representing an increase of 800 over the previous year.

There is no 'standard' profile of Swiss people in the UK. Some have been here for generations. Others came for a short time as students or trainees and stayed. Still others are here for a few years before returning to Switzerland or continuing their international adventures.
As London is an international banking centre, many Swiss people working in finance have travelled there to pursue their careers. The large network of excellent universities has also been a draw for Swiss students, researchers and other experts. Finally, the rich cultural scene continues to attract artists of all kinds.

The situation for Swiss nationals in the UK has changed since Brexit when the British voted to leave the European Union. Indeed, for those who want to move to the UK today, the procedure is more complicated than before. Nevertheless, there is a willingness to cooperate between the two countries, with numerous ministerial delegations travelling in both directions and negotiations on a number of issues.
The Swiss community comes together in many different ways. There are several clubs, associations, a Swiss church, a voluntary fund and Swiss student societies at some British universities.
There are also more informal groups (on social networks) and ad hoc groups (e.g. the organising committee for the 1 August national day celebrations). These clubs and associations organise a variety of activities for their members, including informal 'stammtisch' social gatherings, information sessions, concerts and exhibitions by Swiss artists, and parties to celebrate the Escalade or Castagnata chestnut festivals, for instance.
In 2024, the Unione Ticinese celebrates its 150th anniversary with a year full of activities demonstrating the links between Ticino and the UK, as well as a grand gala evening which will be attended by several Swiss political representatives.
The umbrella organisation FOSSUK has existed in one form or another since 1949. It maintains a network of groups, keeps in touch with the embassy and is responsible for electing delegates to the Council of the Swiss Abroad.
Here is a list of Swiss clubs: https://www.swiss-societies.co.uk/member-clubs-societies
The Swiss in the UK are normally represented by 5 delegates: https://www.swiss-societies.co.uk/uk-csa-delegates. The next elections will be held in 2025.
The Swiss Embassy in London is responsible for the United Kingdom and Ireland: https://www.eda.admin.ch/london