Submission of life certificate for recipients of OASI or DI pensions
1 March 2021, updated 5 May 2021
From 1 May 2021, OASI and DI recipients will again have to submit official life certificates confirmed by the authorities to the Swiss Compensation Office. The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad regrets this development following the simplification of the procedure which was announced this March.
Swiss citizens living abroad who receive an OASI or DI pension must submit a certified life certificate to the Central Compensation Office in Geneva (ZAS) every year.
On 18 March 2020, the Swiss Compensation Office had facilitated a simplified procedure in contact with the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad. Due to the pandemic and the resulting delays, it was approved for insured persons (Swiss abroad) to submit the life certificates by email.
The Swiss Compensation Office will now require an official life certificate confirmed by an authority again from 1 May 2021.
If this is not possible due to the current situation in the respective country of residence of the insured persons (e.g. difficulties in visiting the competent authorities), the life certificates can be confirmed by the insured persons and witnesses themselves by means of their own signature (without an authority stamp).
If the insured person wishes an extension because the deadline for submission is imminent, please inform the Central Compensation Office in Geneva, as payment will be automatically postponed if the document is not received.
Enquiries and life certificates should be sent to the following e-mail address: sedmaster@zas.admin.ch. In urgent cases, they can also be reached by telephone on +41 58 461 91 11.