  • SwissCommunity

What does educationsuisse – Education in Switzerland offer young Swiss Abroad?


Staff at educationsuisse answer around 1,000 queries a year from young people and their parents or relatives who are interested in education or training in Switzerland. The questions are very wide-ranging and concern matters such as the search for apprenticeship places, university requirements and the related recognition of foreign school-leaving qualifications, linguistic knowledge, grants, accommodation options and insurance issues.

Leaving the country where they have grown up to move to Switzerland for their education presents a major challenge for young Swiss people abroad. They sometimes no longer have any ties with their homeland and have to get used to a completely new environment, different customs and new people. A long way from their family, this is not always easy.

The Springboard project, which educationsuisse launched last year in cooperation with the OSA’s Youth Service, helps young people aged 18 and over to put their educational plans into practice in Switzerland. They receive support with planning and choosing educational options and with funding and getting started with their education or training. For three to six months at the start of their education or training (apprenticeship or course of study in Switzerland) the young Swiss Abroad can live with a host family who will provide a room and meals for 500 Swiss francs a month. The aim of this is to facilitate integration into the new environment in Switzerland as quickly as possible.

For further information or questions about the Springboard project, please contact Ruth von Gunten (

The website provides information about education and training in Switzerland. The staff at educationsuisse - Education in Switzerland would be pleased to provide you with further information.

Ruth von Gunten, educationsuisse



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