  • Editorial

Battle over political direction

14.01.2015 – Barbara Engel

The “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” has been the focus of media and political interest since mid-December, and not just in Switzerland as the NZZ is the only Swiss newspaper to attract attention internationally. What has happened?

The editor-in-chief, Markus Spillmann, a high-profile journalist, was ousted by the Board of Directors, not officially but de facto. The editorial staff, which includes over 200 journalists, protested against the Board’s plans to appoint Markus Somm as Spillmann’s successor. Somm, also a well-known journalist, leans very much to the right politically. He is also a close friend and the biographer of Christoph Blocher, the Vice-President and driving force behind the Swiss People’s Party (SVP).

The decision on who will be the future editor-in-chief of the 234-year-old NZZ, which is closely allied with the FDP.The Liberals, was unclear at the time of writing this editorial. The “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” wrote: “There is tremendous disarray”, with its “inept behaviour” the Board of Directors has “created a shambles”.

This showdown undoubtedly reflects the struggle over the future direction of Swiss politics. The liberal outlook and differentiated criticism of the NZZ and its editor-in-chief is a thorn in the side of those close to the SVP and they are attempting to bring the newspaper into line with their positions for the current election campaign.

Georg Kohler, a professor emeritus of political philosophy at the University of Zurich, has a profound understanding of Swiss politics. His analyses are so clear-sighted that he is held in high regard by all political parties. He will provide observations during the electoral campaign and reflections upon it this year in a column in every issue of “Swiss Review”. On page 12 onwards of the current issue, Kohler looks at the decision-making process, the “classe politique” and compromises.

The article in the December issue of “Swiss Review” on the row over languages and the debate about the early learning of French and language teaching in Swiss schools generated a tremendous response. What we found surprising was that in the readers’ letters and comments from the Swiss Abroad the vast majority regarded the early teaching and knowledge of the second major national language, in other words French or German, as more important than the teaching of English at primary school level. Here is a quotation that reflects the view of many people: “(Almost) everyone will learn English sooner or later because it is an omnipresent, prestigious and useful language.”

Barbara Engel

I would like to thank all our readers who also expressed their opinions – constructively without exception – on the new layout and the new website.



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Comments :

  • user
    Patrick JENNY, expat suisse aux Philippines 01.02.2015 At 06:05
    Il est triste de constater que la Suisse, de plus en plus, s'aligne sur les autres pays de ce monde... Les medias sont rachetes et controles par des magnats qui les utilisent pour leurs propres agendas politiques (et je vous rappelle que Monsieur Blocher est un magnat de l'industrie et des medias...).
    Le lobbyisme aussi cherche de plus en plus a influencer nos autorites et les medias, par leurs choix des actualites developpees, ne font qu'accentuer ces pressions discretes sur le gouvernement !
    Il est triste de constater que la plupart des journaux quotidiens ont disparus au fil des ans, ou ont ete phagocytes par des groupes tels que Ringier, Tamedia ou Edipresse. Et je ne sache pas que cela favorise la pluralite des opinions... Et surtout celles de la ligne editoriale de nos quotidiens...
    Les editeurs en chef n'ont plus qu'a garder le doigt sur la couture du pantalon et etre au garde-a-vous... Ou ils sont remplaces....
    C'est triste...
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  • user
    Singlemom McCollum 24.01.2015 At 10:02
    I do not read any Swiss Newspapers. NZZ traditional read in my rich family is to money driven for my taste. Blick is to primitive and Tagesanzeiger for Zurich only really intresting. Internet gives you all possibilities, neutral reports to find on subjects from interest. The general political turn to the right is very scary and I am happy, that I am not in Switzerland. Specially as a single mom, my chances of a "normal" life would be very limited....
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    Markus Immer 22.01.2015 At 05:26
    Liebe Frau Engel, "die liberale, aber differenziert-kritische Haltung der «NZZ»"! Wow - wer hat Ihnen das eingefluestert? Die NZZ ist DAS Sprachrohr der FDP und die FDP ist Teil des leider bis heute ignorierten "Coup d'Etat" vom 12. Dezember 2007. Die NZZ verbreitet keine differenzierte Anlysen, sondern Meinungen und die sind glasklar Mitte-Links angesiedelt (mit etwas liberal wirtschaftlichem Anstrich), das kommt dem Geld- und Witschaftsadel naemlich gerade recht! In einem Sumpf von Inkompetenz und Ideologie-Geschwaetz kann man sich unauffaelliger bewegen und Tatsachen schaffen, naemlich die Schweiz als "Zone Economy" der EU.
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